Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Robin Hood Movie Review.

This evening I went with some co-workers and agency friends to a VIP screening of Robin Hood, courtesy of OMD. (Thanks!) I'll say this much, the free drinks and snacks were welcomed and the small private theatre with comfy seating at Varsity Cinema was enjoyable. The movie, however, was not. It was so slow, in fact, that I actually fell asleep... 3 times! I missed the majority of the middle of the movie but it didn't seem to matter because I was not lost by the time I woke up for the ending. My short and sweet opinion is that, although we may all enjoy a little Russel Crowe action, this movie was slow, lacked substance and strong character building. Not really one of the finest - it would make a better bed-time story!

1.5 out of 5 heels.
buzz this